Amarena Toschi Black Cherries Vanilla Ice Cream
Enjoy this last minute Valentine’s Day dessert, of Amarena Toschi Black Cherries Vanilla Ice Cream!
Friends, have you run into this pretty bottle in the grocery store? More likely in a more specialized store, but when you see it, buy it! It’s Amarena Toschi Black Cherries in Syrup, and it’s delicious served over vanilla ice cream.
Amarena Toschi Black Cherries Ice Cream
And, it’s very Valentine-ish!
Want to find them locally? I bought them at Old 99 Road. You can also follow them on Facebook. For any gourmet cooking, this store has so many fun surprises!
Almost 60 years …
Our friends came for dinner Sunday night. It was a casual, last-minute meal, and I hadn’t planned on serving dessert, until I remembered I had these ingredients stocked in my pantry and freezer.
With these 2, you cannot go wrong.
Between the 4 of us, we’ve been married 60 years. That is a lot of years of marriage.
We had just painted our bedroom and I was cleaning out from under the bed. I found a box of wedding and bridal shower cards from 25 years ago. Not wanting to burden my kids with “another box” for them to keep when I’m gone, I went through it and pulled out the cards that had special notes. And then, of course, there were cards from my parents, Paul’s family in Ireland, and my Grandma. There were notes from people who really knew us, but overall, most cards just had a signature. Those were tossed.
I started to keep a list of marriages that were no longer. But then it got too big. It really made me sad, but understandable, in quite a few situations.
We were sharing some of these cards with our friends. And talking about “drifting.”
How does it happen, and why? Starting off in the right direction, just as our friends and Paul and I did, except maybe busyness set in, complacency took place (not wanting to set up a date night, even though it had been 6 months since they’d been on a date), distractions, preoccupied with the kids, or work just took over?
Drifting away is scary. Because you’re actually headed for disaster, unless you make a change.
The big marriage secret.
The big secret, as C.S. Lewis writes, is that little things every day are what count. In life and marriage. He says, even when you don’t feel like it, act as if you do.
“Do not waste time bothering about whether you ‘love’ …; act as if you did. As soon as we do this we find one of the great secrets. When you are behaving as if you loved someone, you will presently come to love him.”– C.S. Lewis
Small, positive actions toward a person will grow. Making adjustments, every day, and faithfully doing small things, will bring a great change – of heart and mind.
Small things really do matter!
Cherry is the icing on the cake!
So … for Valentine’s Day this year, how about hosting a small party?
Let your friends know that you love them. Serve a simple meal, or better yet, make it potluck.
And then, the ice cream and cherries are … well, the cherry is the icing on the cake!

Get the Recipe:
Amarena Toschi Black Cherries Vanilla Ice Cream
- 1 jar Amarena Toschi Black Cherries in Syrup
- Premium Vanilla ice cream
- Dish up small bowls of ice cream; serve a spoonful of cherries on top, adding a little of the syrup. Serve!
More Cherries recipes:
This is my kind of dessert! I did have a jar like that once and I had no idea how amazing those cherries were. Such a simple and perfect way to serve them. They don’t need much else really :)
I always love your thoughts on marriage…