
Today I’m sharing a yummy Cambozola Cheese and Crackers Recipe, that I served this past weekend for out-of-town guests. An easy combination, and only takes a minute to prepare!

I can’t help but think back to this weekend when my roommates from the 80’s came from Washington and California, to stay with our family. We gave up our master bedroom, like we usually do for families who come, and everyone got creative with sleeping arrangements. Our son out in his dad’s office, daughter in the pop-up WV Westfalia camper in the driveway, A/C on non-stop (100 degree heat), and we stayed up ’til midnight every night.

It’s just what you do when you reconnect with old friends.

Part of our celebration was turning 50 together!

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50 chalkboard

We went to see Amy Grant at the Britt Festivals (yes, what a treat that we got to meet her!)

With Amy Grant

Ate lots of good food.

Talked and talked.

Laid in the pool.

Hydrangea Tabletop | Reluctant Entertainer

We set the table, using my Ball blue canning jars.

Beautiful hydrangeas (thank you, Trader Joe’s).

MacKenzie-Child chargers.

MacKenzie-Child chargers

Oh, and did I say we ate good food?

Hospitality usually involves some kind of good food.

I made an easy appetizer of rice crackers with a Cambozola cheese and fresh chopped rosemary. Then drizzled honey over the crackers.

Nice little bites, not too blue-cheesey, but mellow, buttery, and with a punch.

Cracker and Cheese Recipe

Cambozola Cheese and Crackers Recipe
Sea Salt Brown Rice Crackers
Cambozola Cheese, softened
Rosemary, finely chopped

Here are some things I’ve learned about hospitality when it comes to out-of-town guests:
-You think of others before yourself.
-Being organized and planning ahead (like cleaning your house, having beds made, bathrooms cleaned, menus planned) makes it easier.
-You have to think outside the box for your family’s needs.
-It’s good to think of warm touches, like a small gift on their bed, their own set of fresh towels, fresh flowers in the house, little bites of chocolate.
-If kids are coming, do you have things for them to do?

What are some tips that you’ve learned to be helpful with out-of-town guests?