
I admire determination because it usually comes from authenticity.

Being real. Doing what you say you’re going to do. Putting your best foot forward.

Autumn entertaining can be one of the most special times of the year. It’s cooler out, the colors are stunning, everything feels more earthy and real.

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It just feels good.

Pull out the ironed napkins.

And get creative.

I saw this idea in a magazine and made it my own.

Take a cupcake pan and fill it with what you need to set a pretty table.

-Salt and Pepper Shakers

Don’t forget the blooms or branches from the yard.

-Tie the stems together.
-Place in a canning jar of water.

An Autumn-pretty table.

Determine to have people over this Autumn.

Invite. Prepare. Cook.

Celebrate the season.

It always pays off.


Have you made any plans to have guests over this month?

If you’ve missed prior days of this series …
Day 1. Autumn. Gracious Living.
Day 2. Health. Well-Balanced Lifestyle.
Day 3. Entertaining. The Gift of Food.
Day 4. Sunshine. Lemon Bread.
Day 5. Fresh. Mini Bedroom Redux.
Day 6. Heirlooms. Yogurt Berry Parfaits.
Day 7. Harvest. Make Your Own Lasagna.
Day 8. Ambience. Atmosphere of Love.
Day 9. Simplicity. Small Gifts.
Day 10. Neighbors. Acorn Squash Basil Soup.
Day 11. Friends. Fresh Peaches with Crème Fraîche.
Day 12. Determination. Pays Off.