If you’ve ever canned fruit, you know that it’s a big job. It’s no easy task and it takes a lot of time. My sister came over in October and we canned pears together, which has become an annual tradition for us.

This time we used 1/2 water and 1/2 Dole pineapple juice, which made a sweet and tasty combination.

I realize not everyone has the time to can, but for those who are interested, it’s a wonderful way to show your family and loved ones you care by preserving healthy, beautiful foods. And besides, the jars are so beautiful to look at! I also use these pears when I make my Vanilla Pear French Toast breakfast!

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I believe canning has become a lost art because of the time involved. Many are interested, I know, because I get inquiring emails from time to time, but canning can be overwhelming because it’s unfamiliar, unless you have someone to teach you how. I got started by finding all of my canning jars at yard sales for a very little amount of money.

My sis and I could have found other things to do on this rainy Sunday, but we also love to spend time together.

What better way than to create something meaningful that our family could enjoy!

Do you have any experience with home canning? Or do you plan on looking for supplies at yard sales this year?

(Even though I did recently visit Dole Foods, and they paid for my trip, they did not pay me to write this today.)