Double Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
These Double Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies are made with cocoa powder from Belize! Double the batch and freezer for last-minute company!
Friends, it’s hard to believe that March is here, because it’s been a long winter. But the sun is shining so brightly today, and I’ve been catching up on emails with a few friends that I keep in daily touch with. One friend, who is fighting for her life right now, well, we have good conversations. (And I wish I could share a few of these Double Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies with her, because she’d love the story behind them.)
She is loved, with so many emails and phone calls coming in, and that kind of love is an overwhelming feeling. So important, and when you’ve been a person in life who’s “given back” over and over and over, you do reap what you sow. My friend has been to over 100 countries in the world, and many of the trips were missions to help the poor.
It reminds me of the ways that we can reach out to others, or share what we’ve been given. It reminds me of Bob Goff’s book, Love Does… “love is never stationary.”
As she was feeling so much love, but also the sadness in our world right now, I told my friend that we have to fight for love.
The world is sad. But fighting for love means there are things we can do to make it a better place. I am writing this as I’ve been hearing the murmur of my husband’s voice behind closed doors in the other room, helping a desperate mom whose daughter’s being bullied. There’s no pay, or anything fancy that comes out of this kind of work. But it’s in my hubby’s DNA to help others with something so painful, to give courage and wisdom for dealing with this sad world. Hours spent daily, helping others. Love in action.
So much sadness, I told my friend, but LOVE DOES!
Double Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
Just returning from Belize, we brought back cocoa powder for cooking, that is out of this world good!
From Lamanai Chocolate, made by Belizean Mayans, they select the finest cocao beans Belize has to offer., then they roast them to perfection in the Traditional Old World Maya way (with a grinding stone).
Some of the products I plan to order: Chocolate Chili Meat Rub, more Cocoa Powder (after tasting these cookies–yes!), and their unique Chocolate Chili Powder. They also have a cool membership rewards program. Check it all out, HERE (let me know if you order something, let’s share notes!)
I’ve always loved Cook’s Illustrated magazines and cookbooks. My good friends Roger and Faye bought me a subscription years ago, and I appreciate the time and expertise that they invest and study, for which brands of food are the best. Actually Roger (now in his 80s) was the first person who taught me about fine chocolates.
For this recipe, you can read up on the whole bean story when it comes to supermarket cocoa.
Last weekend, we shared a batch of these cookies with our neighbors (and a few to go in the freezer, which I think is the best way to eat a chocolate chip cookie), and now I want to share the recipe with you!
And, don’t you love it when a cookie takes on the shape of a heart, all on its own?
In what ways have you lived out love this week, helping others?

Get the Recipe:
Double Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies
- 1 1/2 cups butter, melted
- 2 cups packed dark brown sugar
- 1 cup granulated sugar
- 2 large eggs + 2 egg yolks
- 4 tsp. vanilla
- 4 cups all purpose flour
- 1/2 cup cocoa powder, *use a good quality, such as Callebaut
- 1 tsp. baking soda
- 1 tsp. salt
- 2 cups semi-sweet chocolate chips
- Using a mixer, combine the melted butter, brown sugar and granulated sugar.
- Add in egg, egg yolks and vanilla, and mix for 1-2 minutes.
- Add in the flour, cocoa powder, baking soda and salt. Scrape the sides of the bowl and the bottom really well.
- Add the chocolate chips and gently stir by hand; let the dough sit 20 minutes in the fridge.
- Preheat oven to 325. Line baking sheets with parchment paper, and scoop cookie dough onto prepared pans, using a two tablespoon cookie scoop.
- Bake 10-12 minutes (or less if you like them gooier).
- Leave the cookies on the hot baking pans for 5-7 minutes, or until you can remove them without falling apart. Place onto cooling racks and cool to room temperature, before storing in air tight containers.
I work for an older lady and while only in her 70’s she is feeble, discouraged with life and feels unloved and unappreciated by her family (whom she rarely sees). She has told me several times, that I’m more like a daughter to her. I feel as though I daily can choose to show her love, even when it’s a bit difficult and exhausting. Today I brought her a piece of my daughter’s Peanut Butter Pound cake birthday cake because I know she loves peanut butter.
Love your sweet spirit,and will have your wonderful friend in my heart and prayers.You asked how we had lived out love this week.My belief is usually acts of love and kindness I usually just keep to myself.Sounds odd,but if I “brag”,about it,somehow the act itself is somehow diminished?Anyway,I was very sick for 10 years.Joyfully,Am back in a place of independence and function.Not as b4 ,but have come so far,Am so grateful to be alive!Have always been a person that loves to bring laughter to others.So,EVERY time I leave my home,and is infrequent;I play a sort of game with myself.Agreed that the world has become sad and impersonal,So noticed after a sheltering 10 years,as well as having dealt with a series of incredibly cruel medical professionals,insensitive at the very least.Anyway,was 8:00 Saturday night,got the hair done,Am sooo tired,the hubs wants to get a few groceries.No problem?.All good,get to the checkout,full cart.Woman comes behind us with just a gallon of water.Hubs has no clue.I am like,would you like to go ahead?She was all like,are you sure…Then am saying how men are clueless …Sh is losing it ,due to my comedic skills,lol.Then the checkout dude,who apparently the hubs goes to EVERY time.Gave me a glance.So was talking about the hubs being all ,”business”…Then talking about the food I was planning to make ,etc.So this guy is smiling and engaging.The hubs says on the way out,that in 3 and 1/2 years,he never even had a conversation with the guy!?!Plus,the woman I let go ahead,was driving away as we approached our car.Shouts out her window to have a great night,while telling her passenger that I was the funny lady that let her go ahead!LOL.So,those are ALL totally normal things for me WHENEVER I am out and about.Brings me such joy to make a stranger laugh.Have stories for my 19 year old that I pray someday she will use to carry my ,”mission” on!Sorry so long,but really relate to what you said about our world.Think how great it would be if more people put themselves out there!?
That’s great, and I agree. I think you’re daughter will carry out your mission :) I ask questions to readers to not ony encourage, but AROK can give new ideas. Yay! :) Thanks for sharing your story! :)