Strawberry season is here and there is nothing like a fresh bowl of “homegrown” strawberries.

They taste different than store-bought strawberries, don’t you think?

If you happen to have a farmer’s market up the road, or you grow your own berries, how about setting out a large bowl overflowing with strawberries the next time you entertain?

Simple berries. No need to impress with fanciness. You won’t even need to add any sugar. :)

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All the red gleaming in the sun is magnetic. On a beautiful white platter.

Focus on your family and friends who are coming, and your time together, feeding fresh healthy foods.

Here’s a random thought: How about when dinner is over and the dishes have been removed, as you’re sitting around reminiscing and talking about life, you grab the hand next to you and do one of these things.

1. Just hold the hand in your hands. Feel the warmth, the age or the youth, the softness or the roughness.

2. Give the hand a soft massage.

Holding or rubbing a hand adds intimacy and will connect you to that person sitting by your side.

It’s a gesture that says, I love you, or I appreciate you, or thank you for being you!

Have you thought about the connection of healthy, fresh foods and reaching over and grabbing your guest’s hand at the dinner table?