Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

Our family recently spent the weekend on Bainbridge Island, Washington, attending a very special farm wedding. The event was so beautiful, I asked if I could share the photos with my RE readers, along with a few of the simple touches added to make this very blessed day an elegant event, with a country feel.

I think Camille Styles and Style me Pretty blogs would LOVE this farm wedding. And kudos go to the talented photographer, Bryan Johnson.

Before I share the details, I was thrilled that our 2 sons (who are in college), and our daughter, could be with us on the trip. Our first time to Bainbridge Island, we had a great drive together from southern Oregon to Washington. It’s rare that our family of 5 can travel together now, so we felt very, very blessed.

A car ride is the perfect time for family bonding!

Coughlin Kids 2013

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When we got to the wedding on Bainbridge Island, the weather couldn’t have been more beautiful. The skies were blue and the air was so warm. There were rays of sunshine streaming down on the bride as she walked down the aisle, clinging to her father’s left arm. Those rays of love continued on as the beautiful couple said their vows, and the guests were there to witness and support their union.

Pulling up to the farm where the wedding was held, the signs were so cute. I loved the imperfect writing, which tells me “it doesn’t have to be perfect” to be classy. I think more and more people are wanting to embrace this message, because quite honestly, none of us live in a perfect world.

Hand-painted signs on different shapes of wood.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

Flowers hanging in Mason jars had a presence throughout the property, but my favorite was how they lined the fence around the property.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

Very sweet wine glasses were stamped with the couple’s “heart” logo, and that theme was carried throughout the wedding. (At the very end of this post you’ll see the final “heart” surprise at the reception.)

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

Water bottles were placed in ice in the John Deer tractor, perfect for a “farm” wedding.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

More of the imperfect writing on clever sizes of wood.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

A country touch of “Grandma’s quilts and pillows” were arranged in pocket areas around the property, which encouraged cozy mingling.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

They were also used in the outdoor ceremony area, with solid purple blankets.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

The guests sat on the bales of straw with blankets, quilts, and lace, with bouquets of lavender and mixed flowers on the ends.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

After the wedding ceremony in the great outdoors, with just a short walk to the barn area for the guests, the party transitioned into a very fun, rustic themed reception with a sit-down dinner, a country band, and a lot of celebrating with the bride and groom and friends and family.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

The tables were lined with pieces of burlap cloth, with mix and match china, stamped napkins with the couple’s logo, with Mason jar mugs (I have a stash that I found this summer at the Dollar Store). Very simple, yet elegant.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

And as the night progressed from what started as a beautiful, sunny, early evening wedding, the barn was filled with delicious food, music, square dancing, and laughter.

Which is really exactly what a wedding “celebration” should be.

Bainbridge Island Wedding {Bryan Johnson Photography}

The theme of “love” and the purple heart was carried to the very end of the night, as we sent the bride and groom off with glowing sparklers, well wishes, kisses, tears, laughter.

And plenty of love.