For our first outdoor entertaining of the season, it was a beautiful day, but a chill was in the air.

We didn’t let it stop us, though. We moved the outdoor heater into the dining space and turned it on “high.” It was so warm and toasty.

I don’t stress over my table in the outdoors, do you? I really keep it as simple as possible, partly because I do not want to have to bring tons of dishes back into the house at 10 pm.

Throw on a tablecloth.

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Add the plate, the napkin, and put the goblet on top to prevent it from blowing away.

Once we are dining together, the warmth of the conversation makes us forget all about the chill in the air. (Although sometimes we have jackets on!)

On this night we found ourselves sitting around the heater, as if it were a fire. It was fun and probably almost midnight when we came in … just the 4 of us.

Are you gearing up for outdoor entertaining? Do you prefer a real fire or do you have an outdoor heater?

(We found our heater at a yard sale about 5 years ago – a real bargain.)