Thanks for joining me in my “30 Days of Summer Entertaining” series. (Scroll down to the bottom for previous posts in this series) :)

The Sound of Music … You just have to have music at a dinner party!

One thing my husband and I have learned is that you need to turn the volume up a few notches when entertaining. It gets people talking a little louder, and overall creates a more lively atmosphere.

Music really does create the mood. Have you ever walked into a home that has soft classical music playing in the background? It makes you want to take your shoes off, and to speak quietly to one another, and maybe tip-toe into the next room. (By the way, I do like classical, but it has to be for the right event.)

How about walking through the back gate of a fun get-together on a hot summer’s night where the music is playing loudly and the guests are already having a good time?

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Jazz, oldies, or bluegrass, anything lively, at good volume. It automatically speaks, “FUN!”

Our family uses or we plug our iPod in. You can hook up your computer to outdoor speakers. There are many new ways to get music playing to create whatever atmosphere you are looking for.

Do you play music when you entertain in the summer time?

If you’ve missed the last 23 days of this series, you can catch up now:

Day 1: Summer Entertaining is About the People
Day 2: When Perfect Robs You of Something Good
Day 3: Who To Invite to Dinner
Day 4: Planning the Menu for Outdoor Entertaining
Day 5: Setting the Table Using What You Have
Day 6: Using One Classic Water Glass
Day 7: Napkin Options for Summer Entertaining
Day 8: When You Feel Like Canceling the Party
Day 9: Leave Your Technology at the Front Door
Day 10: Candles That Enhance Good Conversation
Day 11: Serving Flavored Herb and Fruit Water
Day 12: Leafy Greens and a Tiny Bit of Agave
Day 13: Keeping Nut and Fruits and Cheeses on Hand for Easy Appetizers
Day 14: Move Your Table to a Different Space
Day 15: Greek Salad on a Stick and Getting the Kids Involved
Day 16: Three Lies of Perfectionism that Ruin Entertaining Moments
Day 17: Be Creative When You Run Out of Linens for Your Dinner Party
Day 18: Gather Around a Fire for Intimate Summer Entertaining
Day 19: Last Minute Father’s Day Invite and Pork Chops with Glazed Apricots
Day 20: Summer Entertaining GIVEAWAY from National Pork Board
Day 21: Create a Simple Appetizer Basket for Last-Minute Guests
Day 22: How to Change the Menu When Guests Cancel and Sweet Summer Salad
Day 23: Keeping the Conversation Strong with Summer Berry Crisp

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30 days of Summer Entertaining