Enjoy this easy Breakfast Braid Brunch Board, with scrambled eggs, ham and cheese, and fresh fruit with tasty sweets (Lindt chocolates). Friends, here’s a delicious, elegant breakfast board to...
Pan-fried chicken breasts are fast, easy, and tender. This Best Skillet Chicken Breast Recipe makes the juiciest chicken, with oil and salt. Friends, one of my favorite chicken breast...
Serve a salad with this from scratch Lemon Balsamic Dressing Recipe! Ingredients like olive oil, balsamic vinegar, honey, lemon, and herbs. Friends, sometimes I get lazy and set out...
Pancetta Ciabatta Corn Pudding is a cheesy rustic, comfort side dish for fall. Made with ciabatta bread, serve hot with garnished basil. Friends, happy November! Today I’m sharing...
Perfect for fall and holidays, this Waldorf Brussels Sprout Salad recipe is made with apples, cranberries, Brussels sprouts, and bacon. Friends, remember for holiday hosting, you don’t have to...
A snack board for fall and Halloween–a Pumpkin Empanada Snack Board–with baked pumpkin turnovers, served with dips, veggies, and fruit. This week has been busy. I’m working on a...