For a delicious tostada recipe, try Beef Bean Tostadas with Strawberry Beet Salsa. What is a tostada? It’s a fried corn tortilla, topped with beans or meat, with shredded cheese, salsa,...
Looking for an easy guacamole recipe? Mash the avocados, add in some diced strawberries, and you have the best guacamole recipe for your next Mexican feast. Everyone knows at...
Marinated overnight, these EASY Honey Lime Boneless Chicken Thighs are ready for broiling or grilling the next day! Friends, today enjoy this tasty Honey Lime Boneless Chicken Thighs recipe! Sky’s the...
Enjoy this chunky Honey Mango Salsa Recipe, delicious for a Mexican feast or Cinco de Mayo, or served as a side with your favorite enchilada or taco recipe. Add...
Easy Red Wine Sangria Recipe is made with red wine, fresh beet juice, apple cider, bourban, and the most delicious spices. ENJOY! Friends, your guests will be talking about...
A Mexican Charcuterie Board is a cheese board filled with dips, salsa, chips, salami, olives and fresh vegetables! Perfect for Cindo de Mayo! Happy almost-Cinco de Mayo, Friends! I...