Affogato Chocolate Ice Cream Italian Espresso Dessert is the perfect summer dessert, and even more delicious made with Homemade Chocolate Ice Cream. Friends, do you invite all age groups...
Best Chicken Coffee Marinade Recipe is tasty for beef, pork, or chicken! It’s the perfect marinade for grilling season; with chicken thighs or breasts! Friends, we love the rich...
Friends, meet our latest additon, Alder the Entertainer Whoodle Puppy, a cross between a Poodle and Wheaten Terrier, a non-shedding and hypoallergenic dog. Today I want to introduce you to...
This Pan Seared Lemon Thyme Wild Salmon recipe is delicious for a summer meal, with dinner on the table in fifteen minutes! Enjoy this week of summer, Friends! The...
This Noodleless Zucchini Chicken Bowl Recipe is an easy way to entertain; set the ingredients out in serving bowls and let guests make their own dish! My husband is the...