This Orange Beet Fennel Salad is healthy, delicious, and has a beautiful presentation to serve at a luncheon or dinner party! Friends, I visited with a couple of my...
This Ham Lentil Soup is a simple recipe to make with leftover Easter ham! The goal of a meal, friends, is to not only fill our stomachs, but our hearts...
This Banana Cranberry Coconut Bread is good for breakfast, a snack, or served as a dessert with Vanilla ice cream. Friends, don’t you love walking into a kitchen and...
These Southwestern Mini Quiches are delightful for breakfast, brunch, snacks, or a side served with a big bowl of soup or salad! Friends, Happy Friday! I love to feed...
These Barbecue Spareribs are slow cooked, and delightful tossed on the barbecue for camping or easy grilling! Friends, when I think about reaching out and slowing down, making the...
This Crock Pot Pork Ragu is a simple dish with few ingredients, delicious for any weeknight meal! Friends, if you’re looking for a simple, yummy, weeknight meal, I have the...