Say Yes to Entertaining with Bosc Pear Crumble
In the last year, we’ve done a lot of entertaining in our home. Every dinner party has a flavor of its own, which is what makes entertaining so fun and unique! One of my favorite desserts I love to make is a fruit crumble, or crisp, like this recipe today: Pear Crumble.
Once I realized that entertaining doesn’t always have to be fine dining, you know, where you serve a zillion courses and sit at the table, it really did become easier for me. For example, tonight I’m having a few lady friends over for dinner and I’m making a giant salad with warm crunchy bread. How perfect is that? Perfect enough, and I may be whipping up this delicious crumble, as well.
Learn to enjoy.
You don’t have to be a reluctant entertainer forever. When you have a simple plan, and you determine to have a good time with your friends–I’ve learned to sit back and enjoy whatever happens. The great thing about ladies coming for dinner is that someone will jump up and help, if I need it. I’ll never be “stuck” and on my own.
Entertain together.
Entertaining is fun when you share the load and do it together!
The food is important, but what happens while you’re eating the food is really what entertaining is about. :)
Freeze the “crumble” topping.
I keep this “crumble” topping recipe already made up and in the freezer (I {heart} Ziploc bags) so all I have to do is prepare the fruit, add the crumble (even frozen), and pop it in the oven!
Good for the heart.
Perfection at its finest.
I’m always glad I say yes to entertaining, because it makes my heart feel really good.
When’s the last time you invited a small group over for a casual meal?

Get the Recipe:
Bosc Pear Crumble Recipe
- 5-6 ripe Bosc Pears
- 1 tsp. cinnamon
- 1/2 tsp. ground nutmeg
- 1/8 tsp. ground cardamom
- 1 stick butter, 1/4 lb:
- 1/4 cup brown sugar
- 1/3 cup white sugar
- 1-1/2 cups of chopped pecans
- 1/2 cup rolled oats
- Preheat oven to 375F. Quarter and core and roughly chop them into a medium sized pot. Cook for 7-10 minutes, until some of the juices are released and the fruit is softened. Add cinnamon, nutmeg, and cardamom, coating the pears with spices. Place into a 8” x 8” baking pan or 9-inch pie plate.
- Heat the sugar, butter, rolled oats and chopped pecans over medium heat in a medium sized pot until the pecans and oats are fully coated.
- Sprinkle the topping over the pears and bake for 25 minutes or less, until the topping is golden brown and the pears are completely soft and bubbling. Another indication that the pears are done is that the skin should be brown and no longer green or yellow. Remove from oven and cool slightly.
- Serve warm or cool, plain or topped with ice cream or fresh whipped cream.
Pear TIP:
Bosc pears are sweeter and more flavorful earlier i the ripening process than other pear varieties. As a result, the complex flavor, honey-sweetness and juiciness of these pears can be enjoyed before their flesh has fully softened.
Harry & David provided me with beautiful Bosc pears, but I was not paid to write this post. I love Harry & David products; but as always, all opinions are my own.
this seems like al lot of pecans. I always thought that oatmeal was the main ingredient in a crisp topping. is 1 1/2 cups of pecans and 1/2 cup oatmeal correct?
The pear crumble looks divine. Thank you for posting. I am surely going to try some.
I think this crumble could even be served for breakfast. Right?! ;) Yummy!
This looks wonderful. Simple dinners are always best. Good friends and good food is always such fun.
Sandy, you must have read my mind. I have some beautiful pears I ordered from Harry & David and I thought it would be nice to bake something with them. I am making your recipe right now. The pears are delicious just as you said they were. Thank you for the recipe:-)
Mmmmm Sandy! This looks delicious! Fruit desserts are my favorite, especially crumbles. Love your freeze ahead tip, what a great idea!