It may take time to build up your canning supplies, or maybe you’ve been collecting the supplies from yard sales, but either way when you’re ready to start, even without a friend to show you how, there’ s great information on the internet and on websites.

Last week I made different sized jars of my family’s favorite jam, Strawberry Raspberry. It’s so yummy, I’ve even set aside some jars for our son’s friends, and I plan to do a little “jam” trading with some friends who make various flavors.

My kids helped me pick and get the berries ready. It’s great when it’s a family-affair! I usually triple the recipe (below) because I figure if you’re going through the work of making jam, you might as well make it count and at least double or triple the recipe.

Jam is LOVED by our family, but it’s also perfect to give away! It’s a great gift idea for teachers, coaches, hostess gifts, thank you gifts. Let’s say you’re not a big “jam” person–think outside the box. It’s delicious on a brick of cream cheese, goat cheese, brie cheese, ice cream, and I even use it on pork!

In yesterday’s post, we washed the jars and prepared the fruit. Today we’re going to make jam!

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Strawberry Raspberry Jam
6 pints strawberries and raspberries, cut and crushed to yield 6 cups crushed berries (measurement must be exact)
4 cups sugar
1/2 teaspoon butter
1 box powder Sure-Jell

1. Pour crushed berries into large pot. I use my VitaMix to pulse the berries ahead of time. You do not want to puree them. Jams should have a bit of fruit.
2. Measure exact amount of sugar into seperate container and set aside.
3. Mix 1/4 cup sugar from measured amount and 1 box SURE-JELL in a small bowl.
4. Stir the pectin mixture into the fruit. Add butter to reduce foaming.

5. Bring berries and Sure-Jell mixture to a full rolling boil (a boil that does not stop bubbling when stirred).
6. Stir constantly, for one minute at a full boil.
7. Stir in remaining sugar, quickly.
8. Return mixture to a full rolling boil and boil exactly 1 minute, stirring constantly.
9. Remove from heat.
10. Skim foam from top with metal spoon.

11. Ladle boiling mixture quickly into jars that have been cleaned and preheated.
12. Clean rims of jars with clean hot cloth.
13. Place heated lids (lids that have been placed in simmering water for 1 minute) on jars and tighten rings.

14. Turn jars immediately upside down for 30-40 minutes.
15. Return jars to upright position and check with your finger if the lid has sealed.
16. Let cool completely before storing.

When I was at EVO recently I met a wonderful woman, Kelley. Her blog is Mountain Mama Cooks and she lives in the Salt Lake City area. What I appreciated about Kelley – besides the fact that we had a lot in common with cooking, hosting dinner parties, entertaining – is that we shared the same passion and vision of connecting with people over food. The last day we spent time together, we started chatting about canning, and that opened up another new dialogue. Here’s Kelley’s Strawberry Jam Sweetened with Honey recipe and her beautiful blog.

I love talking “canning” to my canning-sisters! :)

Come back tomorrow for the “Flip-Over” method to seal the jar. It’s easy, quick and doesn’t require a hot water bath …

What’s your favorite combination of berry jam?

If you missed …
Canning Jam Part 1: How to find you passion and get started
Canning Jam Part 2: Supplies you will need for canning
Canning Jam Part 3: Getting your family involved in canning