The Farmer’s Dog Food with Alder the Whoodle post is our testimonial of changing up our dog’s food from dry to fresh!

woman holding a bag of dog food in one hand and arm around a Whoodle dog in the other

Hey friends! I’m very excited to be partnering with The Farmer’s Dog today! If you haven’t heard of it, fresh, preservative-free dog food delivered to your door.

The Farmer’s Dog with Alder the Whoodle

There are a few reasons why we made the switch to fresh dog food, and want to share my experience with you today. The Farmer’s Dog is a premium subscription service that produces fresh, custom-made food for your particular dog. 

Whoodle pup standing next to a large box of Farmer's Dog Food

First and foremost, we made the switch because our family wants Alder to be around as long as possible, as any dog owner does, and fresh, real food was the most obvious way to invest in his health.

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whoodle puppy sitting upright holding a bag of sealed dog food

Dogs who are picky eaters

Secondly, Alder is a picky eater (we didn’t know dogs could be picky eaters LOL), and for the longest time, getting him to eat enough was a challenge. But, with Farmer’s Dog, this problem is gone because he loves the taste of the food so much.

3 sealed bags of wet dog food

What’s great is that we don’t need to worry about over or under-feeding him either—the food comes pre-portioned according to your dog’s needs! It’s no surprise that Alder didn’t enjoy eating traditional dog foods. They’re highly processed and smell and look rather… unpleasant.

cute whoodle puppy looking up, waiting for his dog food

Fresh convenient dog food

But, you can see and smell that Farmer’s Dog food is indeed fresh and real! Alder could tell, too.

Did I mention that the food is delivered right to your door in pre-portioned packages? Can you say CONVENIENT? They make it effortless to feed your dog the healthiest food.

cute dog laying on the floor with 3 sealed small bags of food

Buy The Farmer’s Dog Food here

Building your dog’s personalized meal plan is easy! You enter all the info onto their website, then they create a plan as unique as your dog’s needs are!

They are offering my followers 60% OFF by clicking HERE! entering this CODE:

3 specialized bags of dog food

How to Build Your Dog’s Plan:

For Alder they selected three fresh recipes, packed with whole meats and vegetables that provide complete and balanced nutrition for a 35 lb, 3 year old Soft-Coated Wheaten Terrier (Alder is a Wheaten and Poodle mix), who needs 557 calories per day.

The switch from dry food to fresh was so easy.

whoodle puppy holding the corner of a small bag of dog food in his mouth

Switching to fresh dog food

Switching to fresh dog food has definitely boosted Alder’s happiness, boosted him to a healthier weight, and given him endurance when we play fetch—but the most noticeable difference is that Alder used to bark at us when we sat down to eat dinner, because he so badly wanted to eat our real food!

This happened whether it was just Paul or me eating, or if we had a group of people over—and let me tell you, the barking was beyond obnoxious.

whoodle dog eating dog food out of a stainless steel bowl

Now, Alder doesn’t bark when we sit down to eat, because he LOVES his food! The worry about him not eating enough is gone. [Although he still tries to get bites here and there, and lays his chin on our laps while we eat.]

This is no surprise, as the food really is healthy, nutritious, and delicious.

So, it’s safe to say that we will be ordering from The Farmers Dog food in the future, to keep Alder-Bear happy and healthy. 

whoodle puppy sitting by a box of dog food

Benefits of fresh dog food [Farmer’s Dog]

There are so many benefits!

  • Improved health and behavior in Alder, convenience for us, and peace of mind knowing that we are investing in a company with great intentions.
  • Ships nationwide to your doorstep

While the price of the food is higher than traditional dog foods, it is well worth it, and a great investment in your dog’s future health and well-being. And who knows, maybe you’ll eliminate future, expensive vet bills by switching to The Farmer’s Dog Food!

Get 60% off by visiting this LINK today!

This post is sponsored by The Farmer’s Dog, but as always, all opinions are my own.