Graduation. A time of reflection, excitement, sadness, and hope. Hope for the future that as a parent you’ve done the right thing and the best job, in raising your kid, and he will do fine.

It’s graduation time in our household as we get ready to graduate our middle son, Garrett.

Luckily I was on the ball and got my announcements ordered in a timely manner. Which, by the way, Garrett’s little sis took his Senior pictures this year! :)

Now I want to be able to sit down and enjoy writing out the addresses, and thinking about the families and friends who’ve been supportive to our son in his growing up years.

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You can get some really simple, but classy, announcements on heavy card stock.

I thought these were a great reflection of our son, Garrett.

Also, if you have a few minutes, sit back, and listen to Katrina Kenison, as she recites portions of her book, The Gift of an Ordinary Day.

Maybe you have a child graduating middle school, high school, or college this Spring.

For sure it’s a sentimental, nostalgic, rewarding, magical time …


Do you have a graduate in our household this year?

(This post is sponsored by Tiny Prints, but all opinions are my own.)