Much of our yard, in the front and the back, are plants that have been given to us by our friend, Jeannie, or our neighbor, Ellie.

Both ladies have green thumbs and helped give us a plan and vision for our yard. (They bring the plants over in boxes or their wheelbarrow.)

In fact, one year for Christmas, Jeannie gave us a new garden bed in the front of our house. Isn’t this just the coolest idea?

Her gift was:

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1. Plan out how the bed would look.

2. Divide her plants and share with us.

3. Come and weed the bed and help make it ‘her vision.”

4. Make sure we had the appropriate watering.

5. Add more as needed.

It was such a fun Christmas gift. This year we got to see the benefits of her hard work.

Ellie, on the other hand, gave us day lilies from her yard last summer.

Her day lilies were large enough to split in two and three.

She gave them to us in the Fall.

We fertilized, watered, eventually cut them back, and mulched the soil.

When our friends came for dinner a few weeks ago, my centerpiece was so bright and cheery, consisting of the day lilies from Ellie, as well as fresh mint that came from Jeannie’s yard.

I have to say, seeing my flower beds full of divisions from others makes me thankful for my friends!

Have you thought about digging, dividing, and expanding your garden with a friend?