My husband and I love to get away to our favorite camping spot, about 45 minutes away. We have an older VW Westfalia that is perfect for the two of us. Well, it’s not really perfect, but it works.

The great joy of camping for us is not that we don’t always sleep perfectly in our “camping bed,” or that everything is always nice and clean, … it’s that for 24 hours, time slows down. It’s a luxury for us.

A one-night getaway is just the right amount of time to experience the afternoon, dusk, evening fire, one night away from the comfort of your own bed, early morning breakfast and another fire, and then down-time to relax, read, hike–or just do nothing– before it’s time to leave again.

It’s time to connect with the one you love.

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No matter what your style or location, camping makes you appreciate more, relax more, give more, … and love more.

You have time to sort through things on your mind, come up with new ideas and plans … dream more.

I call it our $12 getaway because that is what it costs for us to make camp (not counting gas and food).

The best way to make your bed feel luxurious is to bring soft blankets instead of heavy sleeping bags. During the summer months, light bedding is good!

We always have a little rug outside to keep the inside clean.

Bring chairs with backs for comfort.

You can always make your own tables with boxes (that you’ll eventually burn).

You can always buy wood from the camp hosts, but we bring our own.

For ambience, throw in some candles!

Course citronella always graces our table.

And baby wipes are your best friend.

We always bring the ol’ camping jug full of ice water.

My secret for cooking while camping is to “cook ahead of time.”

Have everything cut and pre-wrapped.

Precook your eggs and bacon at home; wrap in foil. Put on the fire and turn a few times before serving.

These delicious Bloody Mary Tomatoes I brought and served on top of the eggs, with sliced avocados, and fresh fruit.

For us, it’s always espresso in the morning by the fire.

Come with an attitude of relaxation. Being in the outdoors for me is a good time to meditate, pray, read, smell the fire, look up into the trees, sit by the brook, taking a hike, or even just watch the sunlight through the trees.

How often do we just “sit” and look at nature? I could always do a little more of this … so when my husband says, “Let’s head up to Union Creek,” … I’m in!

When’s the last time you got away to camp, even for a 24-hour period?