I love this time of year. Now all we need is warmer weather for the week ahead. We’re laying low this year for the 4th, and I’m looking forward to a smaller celebration.

I’ve already pulled my tub of 4th supplies from the attic, and am thinking ahead to our menu and how to coordinate the food with serving platters, etc.

Do you do that? Think ahead? It really makes it easier on me if I get organized early.

One thing I do is pull all of the platters and bowls out that I think I will use.

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I get organized with lighters, napkins, and big candles (love this size from IKEA); everything I’d need for the outdoors.

Get the OFF ready :)

More serving trays and dishes + paper products or Dollar Store products.

Bread baskets (using Dollar Store towels).

Pull it all together with a few little fancy details.

To me the 4th of July is easy entertaining. Tables outside, mix and match the chairs, add the flowers from the yard.

Pool is ready to cool off.

I think we’re doing burgers this year. EASY!

All you need is a fun mix of people, good food and ambience, and as always, a memorable time to celebrate the birth of our country.

We have so much to be thankful for!

Are you feeling organized for entertaining on the 4th of July?

If you want some menu ideas, Recipe Girl has them organized well so you can pick and choose what works best for your celebration! 100 Red, White, and Blue recipes.