Sometimes we love safety so much that it stifles us.

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And we don’t grow beyond a certain point, which means we miss out on many of life’s blessings.

Hospitality is one of those life blessings.

This email came through my box the other day. As a reminder to those who’ve been trying to win a copy of The Reluctant Entertainer the past few months … the library may be just for you!

Entertaining has never come naturally to me. In fact it is so painful and causes so much anxiety for me that I avoid it at all costs. I have lived in my home with my husband and two kids for nearly eleven years now, and except for a couple of last-minute hanging-out-on-the-deck times I have never had any of my neighbors or friends over to our place for even coffee or drinks, let alone dinner! The only time I have entertained has been for obligatory occasions such as my kid’s birthday or Christmas with only closest family over. Its gotten to a point where I simply am honest with many people about how stressed I get, explaining that I’m “working on it” and hope to have them over soon. Thank God those who know me well have been very understanding.

But this is not the real me – I have a solid sense of hospitality in me somewhere down deep, I just know it! I’ve prayed about this and asked God for his guidance and help with this and when I needed it, believe me He was there for me helping me to pull it off. But this past Christmas really did me in – I have just really been suffering over how big an issue this has been for me and all of the feelings of inadequacy I have about having friends and family into my home and preparing for them.

It was only a quick run to the library today, when I had to renew a book. I decided to take a quick look through the New Non-Fiction section and when I came across your book, The Reluctant Entertainer – well it just blew me away!

To have a book written on the exact issue I’ve felt plagued with?

I didn’t think anyone else has ever even struggled with this before let alone written about it! -A Reader

Do you feel like there is more to the “Real YOU,” when it comes to hospitality?