This Lentil Root Vegetables Cabbage Salad is a crock pot dish, delicious served with a Lemon Dressing, served either hot or cold. Friends, it’s chilly and dark in the...
This Chicken Pumpkin Bake with Herbed Cream Sauce is the ultimate fall dish to make ahead, and bake right before company comes to dinner! Friends, I think an aspect...
Today I’m excited to share our bedroom, here in our mountain home, plus a simple recipe, Orange Ricotta Sweet Potato Toast, a delicious low-carb option. Have you tried sweet...
This Sunny Side Up Egg Breakfast with spinach, peppers, and mushrooms, is a delicoius, healthy way to start off the morning! I feel a chill in the air, as...
Do you love caramelized peaches, served with a small scoop of Vanilla ice cream? This Caramelized Peaches Recipe is the perfect summer dinner party dessert! If you’re like our...
These Zucchini Muffins are not too sweet, and a delicious summer treat made with fresh zucchini and fresh squeezed orange juice. My husband and I did something new this past...