A cheesy, hearty Chicken White Bean Mozzarella Dip! Perfect served with your favorite crackers, veggies, or hot crunchy bread. ENJOY! As summer winds down, I can’t wait to spend more...
Walnut-Crusted Goat Cheese with Thyme Honey is an elegant goat cheese log appetizer to serve with your favorite crackers and grapes! An appetizer that I love to serve, that...
These Chocolate Chip Coconut Gluten-Free Waffles are made with Pamela’s baking mix, delicious to serve for any breakfast, brunch, or dinner! Friends, when our guests came for the weekend...
This Cinnamon Apple Cream Cake, served warm with sweet whipped cream on top, is the perfect cake to share at a fall dinner party! Friends, we are so enjoying our...
This Pimiento-Stuffed Olive Three Bean Salad is the perfect potluck or picnic salad, delicious served with fresh mint on top! Friends, since we moved away, one of my fears...