Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon is delicious paired with Shrimp Lemon-Leek Linguine, and hot crunchy bread, for a scrumptious dinner party.

Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon

Friends, with our kids raised now (but not married), we’re sort of in that in-between stage of having our kids partially launched and being empty-nesters. Two are living at home, and this week Abby comes home for summer break! What fun it is to have our family together, even for a short time. Because my husband and I both work from home, life does not stop when we’re all together. We still have businesses to run and schedules and life to be lived!

Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon

We still come together for dinner at night, which I love. Even though everyone is busy, we eat together. (We LOVE this Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon for dinner, as a side dish, or with chicken as a main dish!)

Slowing down and settling in at night is almost a curse word in today’s world. I think many families pride themselves on being overly “busy.” And we were there too, when our kids were younger. It was a whirlwind, trying to keep all the schedules straight for activities, sports, and music.

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An interesting thought is, with all of our modern conveniences, shouldn’t we have loads of free time, so that at the end of the day we could have more time to just sit and be? Or talk? Or share about our days? But we naturally (selfishly, perhaps) fill that time with “busy,” … more things on our plates.

Time is on our side, if we use it wisely.

I recently read Erin Loechner’s new book, Chasing Slow: Courage to Journey Off the Beaten Path, which I really enjoyed.

Wise words, many things to ponder, many things she writes about that I’ve already incorporated into my life, being a bit older than Erin, and having raised kids.

“Here is the secret to subtraction. It doesn’t matter what you remove. What matters is that you stop adding it back.”

As someone who has been taking deliberate steps to simplify and slow my life, I’m still learning to seek God’s wisdom, with everything that’s so distracting around me, and decide on what’s urgent and what is not. If I take something off my plate, I shouldn’t be looking for something to put back on it.

Our pastor recently did a sermon on the popular Ecclesiastes 3 – A Time for Everything – passage. To everything there is a season, and a time to every purpose under the heaven, a time to be born, and a time to die …

Time: It’s a vice on one side, a virtue on the other.

We make decisions that morgtage us, that rob us or borrow into our future. Or we make wise decisions that follow our values and priorities!

Time serves us.

We don’t serve time.

You have to break it down, according to the season you are in, and what your family values.

Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon

Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon

One of the things that our famiy values is hosting gatherings in our home. Yes, it takes time and money, but we think building relationships is important. So for us, we remove some things off our plates, but keep this important thing on.

Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon

Serve this yummy Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon with this pasta dish–SO EASY! Or, it would be fantastic with Rolled Broccolini Curried Chicken Divan!

Prepare on a large platter, and let guests serve themselves!


Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon

Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon
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Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon

Yield: 4


  • 2 whole romaine lettuce, halved
  • 1 cup blue cheese dressing
  • 1/4 cup fresh chives, chopped
  • Salt & pepper
  • Croutons
  • Parmesan cheese
  • Meyer Lemon


  • Place the lettuce halves on a large platter; drizzle with dressing.
  • Sprinkle with fresh chives and Parmesan cheese; lightly salt and pepper.
  • Add the croutons.
  • Squeeze fresh lemon over the salad; serve!
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More salad recipes: Guacamole Greens Salad with Lime Cilantro Jalapeno [A Beautiful Plate] or Mandarin Orange Salad [The Cookie Rookie].

Romaine Wedge Salad with Meyer Lemon