When Labor Day rolls around, I have to admit I get a little sentimental about summer ending and a new season beginning. I love summer, I love the carefree feeling in the air, the late nights, casual get-togethers with memories created by family and friends.

We had so much fun with our out-of-town guests this weekend that I forgot to get a post ready this morning! That’s a good sign for a blogger = relaxation. :)

My friend Steph and I baked, cooked, roasted, canned … you name it, we tried it. Oh, and my Blackberry Spelt Bread was a huge hit this morning for breakfast! We defrosted, toasted, and served it with scrambled eggs, leftover salmon, pineapple, mango and avocados this morning. Delish!

Reflections from our Labor Day weekend.

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My friend Anna provided us a large bag of plums. We made plum breakfast bread. And then I roasted tomatoes and plums together. Oh, my!

Garden helpers. And homemade bruschetta.

100 degree days and staying cool.

Cuddling, bedtime routines, nap times, toys and happy kids.

Late night dinner with the whole family.

Canning Christmas treats.

Relaxing in the shade.

Oh, and Scrabble in the pool. Why not?

It’s good to take a vacation in your own backyard. That’s what I did this past weekend as we so enjoyed our company. It was amazing family time and I am thankful! Now we’re mentally setting aside “summer” and moving on to pure “autumnness.”

How did you spend Labor Day weekend?