Your guests are about to arrive, and like most homes, the stress-level may be intense! Depending on my planning, I may or may not be ready, but once that doorbell rings – I have a choice.

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That choice is to make my guests feel welcome or unwelcome.

I can greet my guests at the door all stressed out, or I can greet them with a smile on my face. Guests are coming to our houses with expectations. I would hope if they are true friends, that they are not coming to judge or inspect my home. But they are coming with expectations of eating and having a good time, so it’s important to make them feel comfortable the minute that front door is opened.

Whether you feel like it or not, put a smile on your face.

A smile is good for your guests, and it’s also good for you. A smile reminds me that I am ready to extend myself to these lovely people who have just arrived. It reminds me that I will drop everything for them. That I will be a gracious hostess and that the night and the food are not all about me, or about impressing our guests. And I also believe that a hug at the door is an effective way to set the tone for the evening.

How to put your guests at ease
1. Give a hug at the door.
2. Take their coat or their purse.
3. Usher them in and make introductions.
4. Make them feel welcome in the first area of entertaining (ie, if you serve appetizers in a different place than your dinner party) and offer a drink.
5. Break the ice, ask questions about their lives.
6. Oh, and make sure guests know where the bathrooms are located.

How do you make your guests feel at ease when they walk through your door?

Only 6 days are left with tips to Stress-Free Entertaining. If you’ve missed out on Day 1-24, you can catch up with those posts, here. You can also join in with the other 31-Day bloggers and their inspiration.