
The small moments that we experience during this beautiful Autumn season.

Like harvesting warm, heirloom tomatoes off the vine.

Looking forward to what comes next.

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The smell.

The vibrant color.

The chopping, adding in the garlic, seasoning, a touch of sugar, and oil.

The anticipation continues with fresh herbs.

Two kinds of basil.

Into the oven for 1-2 hours (450 degrees).

The aroma.

The texture.

The flavor.

One of our last dinners as a family before the boys leave for college.

Roasted tomatoes on fresh pasta with Parmesan cheese.

When the anticipation is over.

Full tummies and warm hearts.


What’s your favorite way to roast tomatoes, or how do you preserve them from the garden?

Catch up on my first 20 Days, HERE. :)