I love to keep a black pedestal with a vase of flowers from my yard on my dining table.

This week it happens to be mini pink roses from the side of my house. They are climbing roses and easy to maintain.

And beautiful to bring inside.

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My house gets stale just like yours. Papers pile up, shows in the entry-way, dust, the floor (oh, boy!), and the vases of flowers need freshening up. I usually get on a cleaning frenzy and change out the flowers when I’m cleaning house. And I will say I’m a bit more motivated to “spruce up” the house when dinner guests are coming.

Hospitality is about making others feel warm and welcome. It’s never perfect, but when your heart is right and your eyes are off of yourself, it’s beautiful to experience.

Do you take advantage of the flowers growing in your yard?

What’s on your dining room table or kitchen counter this week?

(If you’re wanting to know about the plaque in my dining room (above), you can visit Red Letter Words, here!)