This summer I’ve been trying to use up the meat in our freezers, and we’re down to just a few cuts of salmon, from my son’s fishing trip with their Grandpa last year.

I’ve so enjoyed our family dinners this summer, especially with all the extra stragglers (kids who show up with our kids), which is fine with us! The more around our table, the merrier we are, sharing love with others.

This meal was a simple one, and as I was peeling the sweet potatoes to slice and put a slab of butter on, I quickly grabbed my sugar shaker that I keep with these ingredients, perfect for garnishing a sweet potato.

Brown sugar and cinnamon in a shaker!

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How to Serve Whole Sweet Potatoes

1. Bake sweet potatoes on a foil-lined cookie sheet for 60-70 minutes, depending on the size.

2. Cool for 15 minutes.

3. Peel and slice down the middle right before serving.

4. Add butter and sprinkle with brown sugar/cinnamon combined.

I promise your guests will love you.

And they will be going back for seconds.

What is your favorite way to eat a sweet potato?