Happiness Irises

Sometimes hospitality has nothing to do with people coming in to our homes.

Sometimes it means we take our hospitable spirit with us – wherever that may be.

Having guests over is stressful to many, so they opt to eat out or do other things for people. It doesn’t have to be centered around prepared food; it can be food from your garden, or flowers from your yard, or even something purchased at the Farmer’s Market or local grocery store. It can be centered around comfort, a small gift, or a listening ear.

Hospitality is about making others feel warm and appreciated. It’s really that easy!

It warms my heart to think about how we can take a person who may need a hug or encouragement, and do something meaningful for them.

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We can make people happy with our acts of love.

How beautiful is that?

It’s when our hearts are ready and willing.
Baby, the Smith’s are coming for dinner tonight. Sorry I didn’t give you more notice.

It’s rarely perfect but it’s the thought that counts.
Flowers tipped over in the car; you barely had time to put them back together.

You offer a fresh drink, or a hug, and then it leads to more.
Can you stay for dinner?

Hospitality shows that you care.
You see a need, your heart tells you what to do, you listen and you do it.

It’s often very quiet; all you have to do is listen for the opportunity.

What acts of hospitality come easy to you?