Old-Fashioned Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream is Millie’s recipe, with no cooking involved, and NO sweetened condensed milk in this recipe. This perfect, creamy, Old-Fashioned Homemade Vanilla Ice Cream recipe...
This Lemon Yogurt Parfait dessert is delicious for breakfast, but is so cheesecakey rich and sweet, it can easily pass as dessert for dinner! Friends, I feel so behind...
Create a lasting memory of fun and relaxation with these DIGIORNO Artisan Style Melts for a Summer Movie Night, and your favorite flavored popcorn. Ever since we moved to our...
Zucchini Noodle Curry Recipe is a heathy alternative to curry with rice. The zucchini provides a certain freshness to the sweet coconut milk curry. Friends, we just returned from...
Warm tomatoes, fresh off the vine, served with Mozzarella cheese, basil, and balsamic glaze, makes the perfect Garden Fresh Caprese Salad! Friends, I’m truly missing our beautiful crocosmia bulbs,...
Tuna Melts with Sweet Pickles are the perfect Sunday afternoon comfort snack, made with crunchy pickles, and hot melted cheese on top! Friends, we had another busy weekend this...