These Bacon and Egg Breakfast cups are an easy and delicious way to start the day! Bake Baked Egg Tomato Bacon Cups in a muffin pan! Serve with with...
These Easter table decorations are easy to create with fresh food, canldes, and coordinated paper napkins! Looking to throw an Easter celebration at your place? Celebrating Easter is such...
This Black Bean Farro with Avocado, fresh grains (farro) and black beans, queso fresco, and lovely cherished avocados on top–makes a lovely presentation. Friends, we love this vegetarian meal: Black Bean Farro...
Springtime Entertaining for me involves easy recipes, because we often find ourselves working in the yard this time of year — in the flower or garden beds. Today I’m...
These Whole Wheat Asparagus Bacon Wraps are a delicious appetizer for spring or Easter entertaining! We recently had a family supper at our friends’ house, and Jeannie served Whole...
These No Bake Chocolate Easter Egg Cookies are a fun DIY project for kids, and delicious Easter treat! Make, refrigerate, and serve! We’re crazy about combining chocolate and coconut...