For the entertaining season ahead, these Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes are an easy make-ahead dish, delicious for a potluck or any holiday gathering!

Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes

Friends, if you’re hosting a Harvest Dinner Party this year, I hope you’ll find inspiration from my menu over at, with a Crock Pot Roast Beef Dinner (super easy for guests), Walnut-Crusted Goat Cheese Appetizer (with grapes), Creamy Butternut Squash Soup, Spinach with Quinoa Apple Salad (so pretty!), Soft Yeast Rolls (Mm-m-m-m, homemade!), and this amazing dessert.

If you’re like me, you love to plan make-ahead dishes that are delicious for a potluck or holiday gathering. Last week, I served these potatoes with this fantastic Slow Cooker Poached Salmon recipe. Love the combo served together.

Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes

A super-easy side dish for Thanksgiving!

Pull out the slow cooker and avoid hovering over the stove! With this easy dish, and my make-ahead sweet potatoes, you’ll have the “spuds” all taken care of, for your Thanksgiving menu!

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Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes

Of course, we love butter and fresh parsley on top (just the way my mama served this dish).

It’s November now, and the landscape here in central Oregon is almost stripped bare. As I walk Haggis daily, just yesterday, I noticed the whoosh of warm through the trees, and the sun shining on his brindle coat. One day it’s warm, the other is really cold. We’re gearing up for winter, as we hear the eerie, eager yips of coyotes circling the forest, only a few minutes from where we live.

Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes

When my Dad and his wife were visiting, we were driving around, enjoying the beauty of nature, when we came across this coyote. We stalked him for a while, watching him hunting for delicious bites of field mice, playfully tossing them in the air, then scarfing down each furry critter.

Every day is a new one, and we’re so grateful for this season that is here!

Whether the rain on our roof (October had a record amount of rain this year in Oregon), or the glow of bright, late season sunshine, we’re ready, folks.

Ready for hunkering down for winter.

Slow cooked foods.

And a beautiful season ahead with family and friends.

Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes

Slow Cooker Mashed Potatoes at