Our weekend guests came for a whirlwind trip, and the highlight was making delicious Blueberry Scones Recipe together for breakfast. This post has been updated with new photos! Our...
Make a homemade cinnamon whipped cream with heavy cream and easy spices. Serve this whipped cream topping on pies, cakes, tarts, and cobbler. We’re gearing up for the holidays,...
Chocolate Buttermilk Waffles are delicious served for breakfast, brunch, or dessert, topped with fresh strawberries and whipped cream. We’re in love this this simple waffle recipe, and our family...
This moist, cheesy Ham Breakfast Casserole recipe is moist, baked slowly, and packed with delicious flavor. Perfect for the holidays! Breakfast is always a delicious part of the weekend!...
This Pumpkin Cranberry Muffin Recipe is easy to make ahead and freeze. Delicious for tea, breakfast, a hiking snack, or holiday treat. When I think of cozy, I think...
Sunday Brunch Cheese Board for Mother’s Day! Add in the perfect soft boiled eggs, fruit, nuts, cheeses, bagels, Canadian bacon, crackers, and sweet treats! Friends, just in time for...
Enjoy a delicious Whole Grain Pumpkin Scone with Sage Cream Cheese Frosting recipe for your next autumn coffee date, breakfast, or brunch. Friends, I’ve heard more and more about people going...
This Sunny Side Up Egg Breakfast with spinach, peppers, and mushrooms, is a delicoius, healthy way to start off the morning! I feel a chill in the air, as...
When I think of 2013 coming to a close, I think about all the warm, inviting moments with family and friends around our table in southern Oregon. It makes...
What I love about hosting a holiday brunch is that so many recipes can be made ahead of time, like today’s recipe, Sausage, Egg, and Kale Strata, a recipe...
Bacon & Gruyere Crustless Quiche is not only delicious, but it’s easy to make and perfect for brunch, lunch or dinner! It has a rich quiche flavor without the...
Serve a Christmas Morning Slow Cooker Breakfast, an easy slow cooker breakfast casserole made with eggs, bacon, hash browns, and cheese. Wake up early on Christmas morning and start...