Just in time for winter and holiday entertaining, we can’t get enough of Meg’s Winter Green Salad. This salad recipe is bright, crunchy, healthy, and packed with flavor. Think...
These Cranberry Pumpkin Muffins are easy to make ahead and freeze. Delicious for tea, breakfast, a hiking snack, or holiday treat. Made with pumpkin puree, dried cranberries, and warm...
Irresistible Easy Mini Lemon Tarts with Strawberries are so simple to make, and everyone’s favorite bite! Little pastry dough mini cups are filled with lemon curd, a fresh strawberry...
Enjoy this Paprika Chicken Alfredo Bake recipe for your next casual gathering, delicious served with a salad and hot crunchy bread! With ziti pasta, chicken, and a homemade alfredo...
Looking for how to make an epic, beautiful Summer Charcuterie Board highlighting fresh fruits and vegetables in season? Just pair them with your favorite cheeses and cured meats for...
We love an easy Pad Thai Cafe Salad – a pad thai recipe that is often served in cafes, made with fresh veggies, chicken, noodles, and spicy flavors in...
Perfect for the weekend, hot, bubbly, Baked Brie with peach jam–topped with toasted almonds. We love a gooey, cheesy, easy baked brie with jam recipe, and this one pairs...
Make Lemon Cream Tartlets in less than 15 minutes with flaky phyllo shell crust (so easy) and cherries! These little bites come together in no time, for the ultimate...
This Caprese Salad Skewers recipe is a light and fresh summertime treat to serve out by the pool, or as an appetizer for a casual dinner party! Caprese Salad on...
Baked Oats without Bananas is the perfect breakfast or even a delicious snack. I love the warm oaty flavor that’s not too sweet, and without bananas, you can make...
This simple Goat Cheese Bruschetta recipe is topped with a creamy goat cheese mixture, fresh sliced strawberries, and a sprig of mint. It’s refreshing for summer with a delicious...
Enjoy a Pineapple Cheese Board for your next gathering, using cheese, pineapple sausage, nuts, apricots, cherries, and large chunks of fresh pineapple! This is the ultimate summer cheeseboard that...