Enjoy these mouth-watering Whole Wheat Chocolate Chocolate Chip Cookies, so rich and soft, they taste like brownies. They healthier bites of goodness are made with whole wheat flour, a...
White Chocolate Pistachio Cookie Bars are a salty, sweet dessert, delicious for a Game Day, St. Patrick’s Day party, or any gathering! Cut them into squares and serve! Optional to...
Cozy and delicious, this Italian-inspired White Bean and Chicken Soup is a great weeknight meal. Top with shaved Parmesan cheese and diced red onions, and serve with a piece of hot...
Enjoy a beautiful and healthy Mango Avocado and Shrimp Salad for a light meal, or a delicious side salad. It also make a great appetizer platter for a New...
This Goat Cheese Stuffed Pork Tenderloin is served with a quinoa stuffing, perfect for holiday entertaining. It’s simple to prepare stuffed with goat cheese and dates, and is beautiful presentation,...
The Big Board is a great way to bring people together. Whether cooking from scratch, or buying premade food in the store, building a board is an artful way to present your delicious food!
Hello and welcome to my home and table! I’m Sandy Coughlin—recipe developer, founder of THE BIG BOARD, cookbook author, wife and mom to 3 adult kids. Enjoy our recipes, board ideas, entertaining tips, and travel adventures! (More about me »)