This easy Roasted Tomato Pesto Pasta is made with sweet roasted tomatoes, pasta, and flavorful pesto with fresh Parmesan! It pairs well as a side dish or is tasty...
This Strawberry Pie Filling Dessert is incredibly easy to make and only requires 4 ingredients! It’s a great no fuss dessert to make for any gathering, holiday, and it’s quite...
This creamy Coconut Milk Chicken Thighs recipe is a great weeknight meal, delicious served with a Fruit and Nutty Brown Rice and sliced cucumbers. It’s a simple Asian chicken...
Whole30 Chicken Soup is a creamy, comforting soup made with coconut cream, broth, vegetables, and chicken. It’s dairy-free, gluten-free, and is made with cauliflower rice–one of our all-time favorite cozy...
Looking for a simple Chicken and Pesto Pasta Salad that is ready in 30-minutes? This easy chicken salad is packed with some of our favorite ingredients, and is always...
A Strawberry Brie Crostini Appetizer is made with simple ingredients: A baguette, strawberry jam, Brie, and fresh rosemary. Use any kind of jam, and make each bite starting with...
The Big Board is a great way to bring people together. Whether cooking from scratch, or buying premade food in the store, building a board is an artful way to present your delicious food!
Hello and welcome to my home and table! I’m Sandy Coughlin—recipe developer, founder of THE BIG BOARD, cookbook author, wife and mom to 3 adult kids. Enjoy our recipes, board ideas, entertaining tips, and travel adventures! (More about me »)